Monday, July 6, 2009

A day in the life of Annie Bananas

So people ask me all the time, what's a typical day like for Annie Bananas? Well, there's two answers- there's a typical week day where AB goes to daycare and we go to work, and then there's the weekends. I'll cover both.

The photo above is from a week day, you can tell because: a) I don't wear suits on the weekends(I'm not Alex P. Keaton), and b) AB has her pants hiked up, her keys, and her purse -- she means business! During the weekdays, AB has been waking up in the 5-5:30am territory. Which is not ideal. So what we usually do is one of us makes a bottle and gives it to her in the crib, and then we hope that after she finishes the bottle she will fall back asleep until 7. This is 60% effective. If this doesn't work, Annie comes into bed with mom and dad and usually is playing in between us while hitting one of us on the head with her hands and kicking the other one. Or she's standing, pounding her hands against the headboard laughing the whole time. Sesame Street starts at 6, and that will semi-entertain her, but around 6:40ish Elmo comes on, and the minute she hears him start to sing she pays very close attention. I think her favorite part is when Dorothy asks Elmo a question and Elmo asks a baby (if you haven't seen it, it's actually pretty funny because no matter what baby Elmo asks, the answer is always the same -- nothing!).
We then shower, taking turns watching as Annie plays on the floor, crawling around either trying to get into the bathroom, exit the room, or climb up the plant stand. Fun times! Then one of us takes her to daycare, which is about a ten minute drive from our house, and after dropping her off parks at the T station. The other person picks her up and brings her home. At daycare Annie gets breakfast, lunch and a snack. They do a lot of art projects, sing songs, and lots of playing. There are lots of toys that Annie gets to play with there. Not to mention they have these padded areas where she can climb around and bounce all over.
We usually get home around 6 from daycare, then it's a mad rush to make dinner (I should say, Karen make dinner), feed Annie, bath (every other day), and then bed around 7pm. Annie usually is no problem going to bed, which is nice, because after she's down then we eat and hang out until our bed time.

On the weekends... She has been following the same wake up schedule, and we still try giving her a bottle and cross our fingers (and close our ears) that she will fall back asleep. We're pretty relaxed though, so if she wants to get up, one of us gets up with her and we play. On the weekends AB usually takes two, two-hour naps. One in the morning, about 2-3 hrs after she gets up, and then one in the mid afternoon. We go for lots of walks and go to the parks. She loves to go to the grocery store with Mom, and she's getting pretty fond of Costco (the samples don't hurt either!).

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