Here you can see Annie modelling her new G diapers. However, she doesn't fully understand how they work yet. You see, these diapers are 'hybrids' that have the qualities of reusable diapers, but the benefits of disposal diapers. How is that possible you ask? Well the short story is they have disposable inserts that can be flushed or thrown away because they are 100% biodegradable. They also have cloth reusable inserts, but we have neither the time nor the inclination for that option.
Last weekend was the first time that we tried these out, and so far so good. They've been through the full spectrum of 'uses' with minimal leaks. I'm trying not to be too descriptive because that kind of stuff does gross me out. Just like those annoyingly graphic but not Charmin commercials with the bears trying to get the pieces of toilet paper out of their bums. The website claims that if there's any leaks basically it's your fault and you haven't put the diaper on right, so we're still trying to get the ideal fit down, but there hasn't been anything traumatic that is keeping us from trying.
Annie has also been dealing with a raging case of diaper rash, so we thought the timing was pretty ideal to switch up her diapers and see if it would make a difference.
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