Is there anything better than a three day weekend? Not much... Couple that with Valentine's Day and... well we don't really care too much about Valentine's Day. That's because I treat everyday with Karen as Valentine's Day. Vomit. Just kidding. Partially, I digress.
For Valentine's day we decided to go out to brunch, and after making some calls and finding out we were too late to get reservations where we really wanted to go, we ended up at the Seaport Hotel on the waterfront in South Boston. The brunch was actually pretty good, and getting there was very easy and there's plenty of parking and since it was a Sunday parking on the street was free, bonus! As you can see from the photos on top, Annie got a brand new red dress for the occasion, and was in pretty good spirits.
At the hotel, the brunch was pretty standard. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, eggs bene, etc. Annie was very well-behaved at the table, bonus. However, there was this woman who felt the need to crane her head around every few minutes to stare at Annie and not smile. Weird. Oh well. After brunch the hotel had a nice lobby so we figured we'd let Annie loose for a bit to stretch her legs. She had a great time running around the lobby... until it was time to go home. Cue to the pics below.

Trying to get Annie to get out from under the table so we could leave did not go very well. First she tried getting further under the table, then she went to full on meltdown. Luckily we were parked right out front so we ditched the coat and just strapped her right into her car seat. That also didn't go so well... But by the time we got home she had tired herself sufficiently to take a nap with minimal fuss. And yes, I'm that guy who will take pics of his daughter while she's screaming so that I can later post it on my blog. Sorry, it's a lot of pressure coming up with new material all the time!
The rest of the weekend was pretty boring -- errands, walks, grocery shopping, gym, tan, laundry -- and that's about it. And that was a Jersey Shore reference, Annie is too young to tan.
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