Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The best big sister!

In the blink of an eye Annie has become the best big sister! While this pregnancy seemed to fly by (at least for me!), one of the things we were worried about was how Annie was going to adjust to have a little brother. We read lots of articles about the best way to prepare your child for a new sibling, bought some books for Annie about getting a new brother, and heard some horror stories from other parents. We also bought a gift for Annie from the new baby... so we thought we did as much as we could. And as you can see from the pics above Annie has welcomed Nichol with open (sometimes too open) arms.

She loves to kiss the baby, and point out his mouth, nose, ears and eyes. She gives lots of hugs to Nichol and is beginning to incorporate him into our family. When we ask who's in our family, she says "Mommy, daddy..... Annnn-O!!!" and occasionally we get Nick-o-dee. And now that Nichol is here, she has pretty much given up on trying to reclaim her bouncy seat and bassinet. Although she still lounges in the bouncy seat for old times sake when he's not in there.
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  1. just when i thought i don't want to have another one.....

    then i go and read your blog & look at the adorable pics! =)

    i'm happy to hear things are going well. hope nichol continues to sleep well, and gets even better!

  2. The picture of Annie holding Nichol w/ her arms covering his face is hysterical!

  3. Congratulations! I have some very similar on the bed photos of Sarah and Miles. Hard to believe they were taken almost 3 years ago! Time flies - enjoy it - as much as you can on reduced sleep. :)
