Friday, January 15, 2010

Paranormal Activity...

... Karen's no longer allowed to watch scary movies.

So last Saturday night we rented this movie. Karen has been dying to see this movie, and has tried numerous times in the past few weeks to watch it. First she tried to download it and watch it on the flight to Ohio, but it wasn't available for rent, only to buy, then she tried to watch it on demand, but it wasn't available... So finally she went old school and drove to Blockbuster. It's been so long that we physically rented a movie that the address for me that was on file was my Gordon College address, 8 years ago.

Without trying to ruin this movie... It's about this couple dealing with a haunting/ghost/paranormal activity. It's about 90 minutes. I made it through the first hour, then fell asleep. I awoke to Karen screaming and clutching my leg on the couch. She was very freaked out. We decided that we couldn't go straight to bed, so we thought an Intervention would make us feel better and help us forget about the movie. I was mildly freaked out, but not too bad. We made it halfway through the Intervention when the on demand crapped out and we had to stop watching it, so we went to bed. I fell asleep pretty easy, but I think it took Karen a while. But what I do remember... it was some point in the middle of the night and I heard something, and looked up to see something running from the bathroom towards the bed. I may have yelled. Then Karen yelled. We both scared the crap out of each other.

Me: why are you running!
Karen: I'm scared, stop yelling!

Karen was running out of the bathroom and back into bed. It's like 10-15 feet by the time you make it around the bed... Then it took some time for us to fall back to sleep, and Bananas woke us up right at 6... which we were both pretty stoked to see that it was daylight out. I'd like to say we learned something, like maybe to stop watching scary movies, or how about not running from the bathroom back to bed, but I doubt it.

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