I did it! That is one of Annie's most popular sayings. And it pretty much sums up my survival with the kids - by - my - self. I know, a bit dramatic. To recap, Karen left Friday afternoon to head to NYC for a girls weekend. After dropping Karen off at the airport, it was me and Annie and Nichol until we picked Karen up 48 hrs later... In the weeks leading up to this weekend I had no idea what to expect. What do the kids do all day? Do they entertain themselves? Who feeds these wild beasts? All questions that I was unsure of the answer.
Sure, Karen does this every day, but I work in an office! I don't know the logistics of carting two kids around - 1 walks, but not where you want her to; and the other is mostly fine until he poops all over!
Friday. We drop Karen off, get home and everyone takes naps. They wake up around 4ish, play, have dinner, Nichol goes to bed and Annie and I watch a movie. Annie was so good. On the ride home from the airport I told Annie I was going to need her to be a big girl and help Daddy out since Mommy was gone, and boy did she deliver. When we were watching the movie she was great, she went to bed with no problem, and the only disturbance was when I woke up hearing her scream on the monitor at 4:30AM. Those night terrors... She remained asleep, but I was awake. Nichol was just as good. He took a great nap and slept from 7pm until 7:30am the next day! Unbelievable.
Saturday. I now know why Karen has to leave the house every day. We get up, have breakfast, play, etc. and then I look at the clock and it's only 8:30. D'oh! Are you kidding me? This was a phenomena I first noticed when Karen was pregnant. When you get up really early, the day is really long, and what do you do? When Karen was pregnant it was great. On the weekends we would get up, clean our entire apartment, go out to breakfast, shop for groceries, come home and put everything away and it was only 9am. Awesome. Fast forward to two kids later... and when I look at the clock and it's only 8:30am... I am scared. Sometimes I want to cry. There is a lot of the day left. What am I going to do. These kids need action. And there isn't a yard I can force them to go out into and make their own fun. And did I mention I'm just doing this for a weekend?
After breakfast Nichol takes a nap, and we are just chomping at the bit for him to wake up. Annie is starting to get bored, just destroying everything in her wake. And then I remember.
Last week when we were at Whole Foods, this nice lady told me they were having a kids' event next weekend where they do a craft and have a snack. So, since we needed something to do I thought we would head over there and terrorize, I mean patronize, Whole Foods. Nichol finally wakes up and we are off! I have the diaper bag packed with diapers, pull ups, wipes, snacks, and extra clothes. The minute we pull into the parking lot, Nichol has pooped. D'oh! Actually, this was lucky, because Annie was still in her seat so I just got Nichol out, and changed him in the cargo bay.
I'm just beginning to appreciate everything Karen does on a daily basis. Logistics. The carts at Whole Foods are too small for two kids. I have Nichol in the umbrella stroller and I'm holding Annie's hand with one hand as I try and guide the stroller with the other hand. We get into the store, find the kids section and I unleash Annie. Just kidding.
This was good for me because I had to go out of my comfort zone and go up to a group of strangers and introduce everyone, and then I let Annie loose... Annie immediately meets this nice woman, Shay, who helps her with her Valentine. Annie has a great time making this Valentine, and I get to help too. It's a lot of fun. After she's done, and she's been so good, we go and get lunch and a treat for Annie. The treat is that she can have whatever she wants for lunch, and a special drink. By special I mean not water or milk.
Seeing Annie in front of the cold drinks display is awesome. The display is everything you could imagine, all sorts of colors, shapes, anything you could envision in liquid form is in this case. Annie immediately spies some raspberry lemonade and settles on this. Of course, she has no idea what drink she's choosing, but since I'm riding solo this weekend, I'm picking and choosing my battles. If Annie wants the pink drink, the pink drink is what she gets.
We pay. We sit down. Annie is on one side of me, Nichol is on the other side of me. We are all hungry. When you're a parent, all of a sudden someone else's needs are coming before your own. Most of the time I feel like it's second nature and you don't even notice. But when you're really hungry, that's when you notice. Annie gets set up. She starts eating (mostly drinking. what is it with kids loving beverages so much?). I get snacks for Nichol out so he can eat while I house my burrito. Oh, did I mention that Karen and I have been eating Vegan for the past week? Weird that I forgot. Anyways, so while I'm trying to inhale a burrito full of beans, vegetables, and salsa, Nichol is throwing Cheerios all over the place, demanding to be fed something more, something substantial.
I sense that this could be a moment. A moment where I could let my neurosis get in the way and freak out. Instead I take it back a notch and let the kids be kids. Who cares if they throw some food? Who cares if they get food all over their clothes, and mine? Get over it. We have the best time. Annie is eating and getting her grubby hands all over me, and Nichol is on the other side with his face covered in pureed spinach. Somehow it is even on the back of his neck.
Annie is at this stage where she is so curious about everything. She likes to help with everything we do. She loves to try the food on your plate. She loves to try and drink what's in your cup. And even better, what I've noticed when it's just me around- she just loves to be around you. The whole weekend Annie and Nichol were the most affectionate kids! I know they definitely missed their mom, but I think they also were glad to have some one-on-one time with their pops. At least that is the way the story goes in my head. I had so much fun with them this weekend. It was truly enjoyable to be their sole caregiver and just focused on them this weekend. Annie and Nichol rock. They are hilarious. They have the biggest hearts and the funniest personalities.
I love the time I have with them now. And I can't wait to watch them develop and get older-they are going to be so awesome!
Loved this-- glad your weekend was great.