With the arrival of another Ferguson, Karen and I were faced with the age old question, "to double stroller or not to double stroller." One of the reasons we purchased our stroller originally was because in addition to all the souped up accessories it came with -- you could also expand it into a double stroller when needed.
We purchased the UppaBaby Vista because it was so flexible. When you have a baby, there's an attachment to let you clip the car seat into the stroller (eliminating the need for a snap n go frame), or there is a bassinet that you can lay the baby in. When the baby can sit up, there's a child seat that snaps in. And you can you also change the direction the seat is facing so the child faces you, or faces forward. Which comes in pretty handy on sunny days.
And I think the coolest attachment is the Rumble Seat, which you can see Annie in. At first we were a bit hesitant because we didn't know if she'd like facing rear and not much of a view. So the first time we put her in there we gave her snacks, toys and books and it was like her own little space. She loves it and it's so cute to see her stick her head slightly out of the side to watch what's going on. And the other great thing about the Rumble Seat is that it didn't increase the width of the stroller at all. That's a good thing because a lot of the streets in town can be narrow, not to mention trying to navigate the subway and in and out of stores and restaurants... you get the point.
The other option was a stand that would attach to the front of the stroller where Annie could stand and hang onto the stroller while it was being pushed. We toyed with that option, but worried that Annie might get tired on longer walks and we also questioned how well she would hang on and for how long... We figured at least with the rumble seat we could strap her in, so even if she wasn't to keen on the idea she'd be forced to stay in one place! And you can probably tell from the photos above that Annie wasn't too keen on having her photo taken at that moment.
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