Monday, June 28, 2010

Hamming it up

Here are some recent pics of Annie and Nichol. Annie continues to show a very outgoing and playful personality, and Nichol is beginning to stay awake more and request attention.

Tuesday, the 29th is Annie's 2nd birthday! Hard to believe in two years time we went from no kids to two kids! My have things changed for the Fergusons, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Annie's birthday at home, with her favorite dinner - Pepporini Pizza. Or as she says it, "peppowroooni pizzha." We can't figure out when this became her favorite meal, and we're fairly certain she was referring to something else at first, because she would call everything pepperoni pizza. But now it's official, when she says peppowroooni pizzha she means pepperoni pizza. This weekend we'll be in upstate NY for the holiday, so we're having her formal party at Magga & Pappa's and all of her cousins will be able to share in her big day!

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Friday, June 25, 2010

New kitchen / early birthday present

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Some of you loyal readers may know that our condo has been on the market. And as I'm sure anyone who has sold a home knows, having your place on the markets stinks. The market in Boston has been a little soft so it's taken longer than we thought it would. But we figured that if we're going to be staying in our current place, we should get the most out of our space. For the entire time we've lived in our apt the 2nd bedroom has always had an extra full sized bed for guests. And then when Annie arrived the room was big enough for the bed and her crib. All of this was fine, until Nichol came along and Karen was able to stay home full time with both kids.

The unintended consequence was Annie needed more room to play in since she was home all day. So we unloaded the double bed from her room and made a new play space for her. We also bought her a play kitchen set and some new pots and pans! She loves this kitchen, and she loves her new play area in her room. It's one of those things where after we did it, we both asked ourselves what took us so long. And since that space where the bed was is still open, whenever guests come we'll have an air mattress they can use. Win win.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pimp my ride

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With the arrival of another Ferguson, Karen and I were faced with the age old question, "to double stroller or not to double stroller." One of the reasons we purchased our stroller originally was because in addition to all the souped up accessories it came with -- you could also expand it into a double stroller when needed.

We purchased the UppaBaby Vista because it was so flexible. When you have a baby, there's an attachment to let you clip the car seat into the stroller (eliminating the need for a snap n go frame), or there is a bassinet that you can lay the baby in. When the baby can sit up, there's a child seat that snaps in. And you can you also change the direction the seat is facing so the child faces you, or faces forward. Which comes in pretty handy on sunny days.

And I think the coolest attachment is the Rumble Seat, which you can see Annie in. At first we were a bit hesitant because we didn't know if she'd like facing rear and not much of a view. So the first time we put her in there we gave her snacks, toys and books and it was like her own little space. She loves it and it's so cute to see her stick her head slightly out of the side to watch what's going on. And the other great thing about the Rumble Seat is that it didn't increase the width of the stroller at all. That's a good thing because a lot of the streets in town can be narrow, not to mention trying to navigate the subway and in and out of stores and restaurants... you get the point.

The other option was a stand that would attach to the front of the stroller where Annie could stand and hang onto the stroller while it was being pushed. We toyed with that option, but worried that Annie might get tired on longer walks and we also questioned how well she would hang on and for how long... We figured at least with the rumble seat we could strap her in, so even if she wasn't to keen on the idea she'd be forced to stay in one place! And you can probably tell from the photos above that Annie wasn't too keen on having her photo taken at that moment.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nichol's first bath!

Nichol's first bath! And even though I'm about a month late posting this, I promise that it did not take us a month to give him a bath! The first bath at home is always a bit tricky. I remember when we brought Annie home that was the one thing we were so nervous about, and we were definitely nervous giving Nichol his first bath.

Luckily Grandma Drummy was in town that week, so we had someone to take photos while Karen and I concentrated on not dropping Nichol down the drain! As you can see from most of the photos, it actually looks like he is having a not so bad time. I'm happy to report we all got through the first bath relatively unscathed and most importantly, no one got peed on.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

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Here is Annie modeling some of the latest in inclement weather attire. The frog wellies she is wearing we actually bought last summer when we were in Seattle. At the time, we were not very good at estimating her size by looking at items... The boots are still pretty big and when you pick her up most times they go flying. But she loves wearing them around! She also likes going out in the rain, the minute she gets outside she says "rain" over and over and has the biggest smile on her face.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Memorial day mayhem

Pretty late with the posting... but here are some pics from Memorial Day weekend. Nicholas was only a few weeks old and was a real trooper on the car ride from Boston to upstate NY. Annie on the other hand, is becoming a bit of a handful and doesn't have as much fun in the car as she used to. At least when you're in the car for 5 hrs.

We had a lot of fun seeing family and Annie had so much fun with all her cousins she got to play with!
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Oldie but goodie

This video was taken last winter when Jordan broke his ankle. We were
all hanging out in the hospital & Sam was showing everyone his spy
kids moves, pretty impressive!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Visit to the NE Aquarium

Still cleaning out some older posts... I can't quite remember when we took Annie to the NE Aquarium, but I know it was in the last two months. This was Annie's first time here, and she really loved it. The aquarium is great, it's located on the waterfront and basically is centered around this huge aquarium in the middle. Kind of long a really long cylinder filled with all sorts of animals that you'd find in the ocean. You walk along this ramp that goes up to the top of the aquarium, and along the way are detours on each floor, until you get to the top and can peer down into the aquarium.

It's a lot of fun, and since we went on a weekend, it was very busy. Luckily we got there early so by the time we were leaving to go have lunch, everyone else was just showing up. Boy was I glad we got there early... It's hard to say what Annie's favorite parts were. Overall the aquarium was a huge hit, she loves turtles, and she loved this interactive portion where you got to touch starfish and other harmless aquatic life.
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