Boston, MA
Current: Partly Cloudy Wind: W at 11 mph Humidity: 40%
Fri67° 50°
Sat77° 58°
Sun76° 61°
Mon76° 58°
That's the forecast for this weekend, boo-yah! I'm so pysched we're going to be home again this weekend! What's on tap? Tonight we'll be keeping things low key. I think Karen and I have come down with something sketchy ( I say sketchy because we feel like garbage), we're both not feeling 100%. Saturday our friends Scott and Jen are coming over for brunch, and that's it for our plans! I'm sure we'll have lots of blog-worthy items to talk about later!
Ummmm... I've been waiting very patiently for more than a week for you to update your blog. Your tardiness is getting out of control...