Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day mayhem

Last weekend was father's day, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays. We had a leisurely start to the morning-- the kids slept in until 6:30! Which is pretty sweet. Both kids get up and Annie gives me a "Happy Father's Day" in her little sing-songy voice and then a big hug. What could be better? Nick the brick gives me a grunt and a head but! That kid doesn't mess around. Both kids seem to have grown so much in just the past two months, it's crazy. I get a gift, which is pretty sweet.

If you don't know this about me, I hate shaving. Absolutely hate it and always have. I usually time it during the week so unless I have a lot of meetings, I can get a away with two, but at most three shaves/week. It's because no matter what I do shaving is an incredibly annoying and inevitably painful experience.

I've tried everything. Electric razors. Razors with 18 blades, razors with 4 blades, any type of razor- I've tried it. I've tried pre-shaving oils, creams, expensive shaving cream, cheap shaving cream... Old school shaving cream you apply with a badger hair brush... Nothing makes the experience of shaving the least bit enjoyable. But for this father's day I got some new products from Origins, and they just might turn the tide to make shaving a tolerable experience. It's only been a few tries, but they seem to be doing the trick. First you use an oil, then the cream is much lighter than usual, and then a nice aftershave - all of which have this great light, herbal smell. But manly herbal smell.

We also went out to lunch. I've mentioned before how I've been eating pretty much vegan since February. I try to do 90%, which has worked out well. The 10% non-vegan usually comes in the form of dairy or eggs, since those two food groups are pretty insidious and every once in a while isn't it great to have some cheese on your pizza? Sometimes. So we went to this vegetarian/vegan restaurant Red Lentil, which is awesome. We park, and as we're crossing the street to the restaurant I'm holding Annie and she has a sippy cup in her hand.

Now, Annie's latest trick has been that she loves to take a drink of something and hold it in her mouth for as long as possible. Sometimes this isn't a problem, other times she ends up spitting it out at whatever is closest. Super annoying... So I wasn't too surprised when all of a sudden I felt this warm liquid on my mid-section. At first I was a little annoyed that she had just spit water on me, until I looked down and saw that it wasn't water she was spitting, she was projectile vomiting all over me.

My first reaction was to throw her out of my arms, but I kept it together and instead managed to let out a yell and quickly point her away from me as she continued throwing up. Finally she stopped, we're both covered in puke and Karen and Nichol are staring at us in disbelief. Oh, and when we went to look in the diaper bag we had forgotten wipes, of course. So there are we standing on the sidewalk covered in puke, Annie crying, and we have no wipes.

Karen goes and finds us some paper towels and water to try and clean up. We get cleaned up, but Annie and I are not looking to great. Miraculously, Annie is back to normal like nothing ever happened. We debate about going into the restaurant, and then we just decide to do it. I try to sit as far away from everyone as possible... We end up having a great meal, and I didn't catch too many people giving us the stink eye or trying to move as far away from us as possible. All in all it was a memorable day, which in the grand scheme of things - isn't that what's important?