So I'm a few months behind, I'll try to catch up on some of the highlights. In March Nichol was baptized, and we were happy that we had a huge contingent of family and friends show up! Nichol's Godparents, Ben and Monica Kessel, were able to join us from Columbus, OH and Karen's parents from Michigan and my family from NY all made the trek to Charlestown.
We had a great lunch at Figs before the baptism, everyone got to relax and catch up. Luckily we were in a private room so the area the kids could demolish was limited... Although true to form, Annie managed to find some tomatoes and take a few bites out of them before anyone noticed. The church service itself was pretty drama free, except the moment it began Nichol took a huge dump in his pants and stunk up our whole row. If I remember correctly the same thing happened to Annie... The real fun was the Friday night before, when we all had to go to a pre-baptismal class at the church. We thought we'd be in and out of there in an hour tops, boy were we wrong...
The class started at 7 but we didn't get out until 9. And I think the only reason we got out then was because Annie and Nichol were about to tear the place apart. It's never a good sign when you think something is going to start at one time, and then when you arrive you find out that's the time of the 'appetizers/meet & greet.' By the time we got down to business it was close to 8, and then we had to watch the first 15 minutes of the Lion King. Circle of Life, baptism, etc I get it, I didn't need the visual. Appreciate it, but I was really just looking for some words of wisdom and to get in and out. On the bright side it has made for a good story!
Nichol's baptism was a great occasion to get family and friends together in one place and we had a great time!