Where to begin... It's really hard to explain how much this bodily function has taken over. First, Annie has been potty training, and has been doing a pretty good job at it. With one small exception, she refuses to go #2 on the potty. Refuses. Sometimes she will go days without going #2 at all, just to avoid the potty confrontation. Why won't she go #2 on the potty, no idea. If I knew that, my life and Karen's life would be soo much easier. No amount of bribes, coercion, or threats work. She just refuses.
Usually what happens is Annie will wear underwear, except at night or naptime. At naptime she will wear a pull-up. She goes to the potty before naptime, puts on her pull-up, lays down, promptly poops, then gets cleaned up and takes her nap. We've been trying to play some chicken with her, and have tried leaving her in her underwear. Well that just means that she's going to poop in her underwear. And she does. And it's super gross to clean up. Usually it involves said underwear being cut off and thrown away. Which brings me to my next pooping problem, Nicholas.
Usually what happens is Annie will wear underwear, except at night or naptime. At naptime she will wear a pull-up. She goes to the potty before naptime, puts on her pull-up, lays down, promptly poops, then gets cleaned up and takes her nap. We've been trying to play some chicken with her, and have tried leaving her in her underwear. Well that just means that she's going to poop in her underwear. And she does. And it's super gross to clean up. Usually it involves said underwear being cut off and thrown away. Which brings me to my next pooping problem, Nicholas.
This kid has got one heck of a digestive tract. I can't believe the amount of onesies we've burned through because of some huge blowout. Again, I'm talking some major amounts of #2. We've cut so many onesies off from him I should have bought stock in Carter's because we've been keeping the lights on at that place. Not only has he gone through a large quantity, but he's gone through a ton of Annie's old ones! There is even a special collection of plastic bags in their room for these occasions...
Again, I'm only privy to this mainly on the weekends... I can't begin to imagine what this is like for Karen on a daily basis... But I do know one thing, if I was Karen I might think about investing in a hazmat suit.