On Friday my cousin Chad got married in Syracuse, and it was also Annie and daddy's first solo road trip! I was a little nervous, due to work commitments Karen couldn't attend, so that meant Annie and I were headed to the wedding by ourselves. Boy was I nervous. Syracuse is a six hour drive from Boston, and worst case scenarios kept popping into my head. What if she had a meltdown in the car? What if I had to go to the bathroom? So many variables to plan for. But Thursday night Karen said something to me that made everything much more palatable, if you have to go to the bathroom, just put her in the stroller. Duh, just put her in the stroller! Suddenly the world seemed at our fingertips!
We headed out Friday morning at 6:30, and the enjoyment began. She soon fell asleep, and about a half hour before we arrived at my sister's house, she woke up. Not bad. Next to me in the passenger seat I had snacks, sippy cups with juice and water, and some of her favorite toys that I planned on judiciously parcelling out. It worked!
We stopped at Leslie's house so we could all ride together. Annie had a great time playing in the car with her cousins, and when we got to the wedding the rest of my family was there for backup, hooray! The wedding ceremony was great, expedient yet thoughtful. The reception was a lot of fun, and Annie was such a trooper through the whole thing. On the way home from the reception to Leslie's, she slept the whole time, and then when right down when we got back. However, the next morning around 5:30 I woke up, feeling someone looking at me and when I sat up, there Annie was, standing in her pack n play staring at me, waiting for me to get her. She played the rest of the morning until it was time for her nap, and then we hit the road. It's about 3.5 hrs from Leslie's to our house, and again, Annie slept the whole time. You could not have asked for better behaviour from our little Annie Bananas.
I also brought my camera and managed to take some photos! Oh, and because everyone loves a good conga line, here's some video from the reception! Unfortunately I missed capturing when Rebecca started a repeat performance of her table cloth cape dance from Jona's wedding, but I'll get it next time Rebecca!