Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Annie and Bea playing

In this photo the girls are just getting warmed up for their photo shoot by Uncle Larry. Here they are both in good spirits and having a great time!

Annie is starting to get a little bored, and she's becoming a little dramatic. Side note, Annie's new favorite way to show her displeasure with mom and dad is to plop down on the floor, begin to wail, and then throw her face and hands to the floor. It's so dramatic and hilarious. I can't believe little tantrums are already showing up.

Ladies who lunch. Annie took Bea out to lunch at the Warren Tavern. They both loved sitting next to eachother, although they got a little sick of the paparazzi action so Bea told Annie to get that camera so they could eat in peace.

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One photo too many... enough said.
Annie and Bea had a great time playing during the Drummys' visit. For the most part Annie was on her best behaviour, sharing and showing Bea how to do stuff.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Larry, Alex & Bea visit Smackdown!

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Since I was a bit delinquent on my blog postings, here are some pics from when Larry, Alex and Bea came to visit a few weeks ago. They came in Wednesday night, and the fun began! Thursday and Friday Annie got to stay home from daycare and play with everyone! They went on lots of field trips and lunches. Annie loves to lunch! I apologize that I'm a little scarce on the details, but I was at work/class most of the time so I missed all the fun! Also, rumour has it the in the upcoming weeks my reclusive co-blogger will be back on the scene with some more recipes and food-goodness! So if you happen to talk to her, put the pressure on!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wedding weekend

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On Friday my cousin Chad got married in Syracuse, and it was also Annie and daddy's first solo road trip! I was a little nervous, due to work commitments Karen couldn't attend, so that meant Annie and I were headed to the wedding by ourselves. Boy was I nervous. Syracuse is a six hour drive from Boston, and worst case scenarios kept popping into my head. What if she had a meltdown in the car? What if I had to go to the bathroom? So many variables to plan for. But Thursday night Karen said something to me that made everything much more palatable, if you have to go to the bathroom, just put her in the stroller. Duh, just put her in the stroller! Suddenly the world seemed at our fingertips!

We headed out Friday morning at 6:30, and the enjoyment began. She soon fell asleep, and about a half hour before we arrived at my sister's house, she woke up. Not bad. Next to me in the passenger seat I had snacks, sippy cups with juice and water, and some of her favorite toys that I planned on judiciously parcelling out. It worked!

We stopped at Leslie's house so we could all ride together. Annie had a great time playing in the car with her cousins, and when we got to the wedding the rest of my family was there for backup, hooray! The wedding ceremony was great, expedient yet thoughtful. The reception was a lot of fun, and Annie was such a trooper through the whole thing. On the way home from the reception to Leslie's, she slept the whole time, and then when right down when we got back. However, the next morning around 5:30 I woke up, feeling someone looking at me and when I sat up, there Annie was, standing in her pack n play staring at me, waiting for me to get her. She played the rest of the morning until it was time for her nap, and then we hit the road. It's about 3.5 hrs from Leslie's to our house, and again, Annie slept the whole time. You could not have asked for better behaviour from our little Annie Bananas.

I also brought my camera and managed to take some photos! Oh, and because everyone loves a good conga line, here's some video from the reception! Unfortunately I missed capturing when Rebecca started a repeat performance of her table cloth cape dance from Jona's wedding, but I'll get it next time Rebecca!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Man oh man has it been a while since I've posted. Sorry about that. July has been very hectic, I was taking two summer classes, a few trips here and there, and have been pretty busy at work. My classes are finally over and I can relax! Boo-yah! Also, for those of you keeping track of my progress, I have two classes left to take in the fall, and then in December, I'm done with my MBA! Cannot wait...

I don't even know if I've posted that AB is full-on walking! Ever since her birthday she has been steadily getting better and better and now she's a crazy lady! Most of the time her walk is more of a run with her arms outstretched leaning forward. I finally got some good video last night, good thing because no sooner had I stopped recording then Annie took a digger on landed face first on some not too soft tile. But after a little TLC from mommy and an ice pop, she felt much better.

Tomorrow Annie and I are headed to Syracuse for my cousin Chad's wedding. Can't wait to have my first road trip with Bananas! The centerpiece of my plan is not to consume any liquids after 9pm tonight, so I can avoid the awkward bathroom with a toddler scenario... We'll meet up with my sister in Broadalbin, so after we make it there I'll have some backup, of course, we'll also be outnumbered between two adults and four kids! Let the good times roll -