I'm happy to report we had a great first Mother's Day, and to quote Karen, "This is the best Mother's Day ever!" She said that at 7 am, so the day started out pretty good if you ask me. I had been thinking about this for weeks... What to do, how to make the day special, and the pressure was definitely starting to get to me. I was leaning in two directions and with each one thinking that throwing some cash behind my idea would definitely help!
Leading up to MDay, Karen had said that she didn't want to be "whisked" away anywhere without Annie. No problem. Other than that, not too much guidance. The first idea I had was for all of us to go out for a really nice brunch (original, I know), and she had mentioned in the past that there was a jazz brunch at the Langham Hotel that she had wanted to attend. I called and almost made a reservation when I happened to inquire about the price... $86/per person. What?! So we're spending at least $172 on brunch, not including drinks or tip!!! Yikes! And really, what is brunch but fancy breakfast food that no matter how much you dress it up, it's still mostly flour and egg based, not the most expensive ingredients. Ridic. Cross that off the list. Now I felt some real pressure because I had to come up with something else!
Jewelry. I guess I hadn't really thought of this before, because I don't usually buy Karen jewelry. A) it's not really my cup of tea, and B) I just think that if you're going to buy something that expensive you should just pick it out yourself. But me having the best wife and all, she doesn't normally ask to buy herself jewelry. So I tooled around on the web, found some things I thought she'd like and then headed out. I had decided on this ring I wanted to buy, so I walked into the jeweler and they had it. Coincidentally not only was it the last one, but there had just been another customer looking at it before me who almost bought it, but instead purchased the matching earrings. Now, maybe I'm a bit of a sucker and the sales lady was feeding me a good line- which if she was - it definitely worked so good for her, but that helped reinforce my belief that Karen would really like this ring.
Present done, now what? We have a whole day!! And not only did I need to get a gift, but Annie needed too as well, two gifts! So I took Karen's favorite picture of Annie and had it turned into a "photo panel" from Snapfish (and also ordered extras for the grandmothers). Basically it's like a frameless photo, sort of. I'm explaining this really bad so if you're curious just go to snapfish and look it up!
Back to the whole day thing. I thought that since Karen would love the gifts and she just wanted to spend the day together, that a picnic would be a lot of fun. So on Sunday morning I had planned to head to Whole Foods and pick up stuff that she'd like (and that I normally wouldn't eat...) and then surprise her. Gifts done, day done, relax. Almost...
Alright... now onto Mother's Day. Annie got up pretty early, shocker, so I got up with her and Karen got to sleep in. When Karen got up, Annie immediately gave her the biggest hug, hence Karen's "this is the best Mother's Day ever!" remark. She opened her gifts, and loved them. However a wrench was thrown into the rest of my plans... There were serious winds ripping through the city, and a picnic looked out of the question. So we decided to go downtown instead and went on a nice walk then headed down Newbury St to find a place to eat. Not the easiest feat considering it was Mother's Day, the city was packed, and we didn't have reservations anywhere. But we lucked out, and were able to get right in at this Tappas place we like, Tapeo. It was a lot of fun, and Annie again had a lot of different foods. And afterwards we headed to Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream!