This is going to be a monster post... So I'm breaking it up into two. Also, while we were in Chicago I got to talk to some avid readers of this blog, and got some great feedback. Overall it was very positive, but I got some comments on the lack of postings... Which I can't believe I let happen. See, I usually pride myself on being able to manage people's expectations, you know, the whole underpromise over deliver type thing. But I think I started out too fast, and trying to keep the same pace is tough. Not to mention I got some slack from some 'not as funny' posts... Tough crowd! Ok, so I'm putting down the violin and on to the recap!
While we were in Chicago we got to catch up with a lot of friends. We stayed with Conor and Carey, they used to live in Charlestown and Conor and I used to work together. We also got to see Bekah and Kyle, who used to live a block away from us in Charlestown and now live in Chicago, and coincidentally, a few blocks away from Conor and Carey. Small World. Karen got to spend time with her friends from GP, and Annie got to see her friends Lillie and Drew. So we were quite busy.
First, Chicago... What a great city. Now, I love Boston. I think it's a great city, with great character, awesome sports teams (for people who like sports...), fantastic restaurants, world-class museums -- you name it, Boston has it. But Chicago is slowly seducing me. Chicago is like the newer version of your favorite thing. You don't like change and you want to stay loyal to something that has served you so well - but it's so hard to resist the temptation to upgrade.
Chicago has close to 3 million people and is the 3rd most populous city. Boston has almost 600,000 people, and is 23rd. Chicago is very spread out and Boston is very walkable (non-spread out). But where I think Chicago really has aced her game is in creating all these different neighborhoods with so much character. We stayed in Lakeview, and I think it's one of our favorite neighborhoods. There's always lots of people on the streets, there are tons of bars and restaurants and shops and drycleaners -- anything you need is within a few blocks. Contrast that to where we live now, and as long as you just need things that you can purchase from a liquor store, Dunkin Donuts, sketchy chinese restaurant or Hess station (admittedly, that does cover a lot of needs), and you're covered... We ordered takeout, and Conor literally handed me 20 menus - everything from Mexican to Thai to sushi - you name it, it's available.
Second, the accommodations. Staying with Conor and Carey was like staying in the best hotel, but way sweeter because they were happy to have you! We had our own super comfortable room, Annie had a pack n play all set up waiting for her, everything we needed they had already thought of. Not to mention, it doesn't hurt that the shower in their guest bathroom has a steam function! I think they thought we were joking when we said we were moving in...
We arrived Friday morning after a very pleasant flight. We flew Jetblue, so we got to watch TV the entire time, which was awesome. Annie was great, however it amazes me how quickly she picks up on certain situations -- when she knows we'll let her get her way. She knew we weren't about to let her cry for prolonged periods of time on the plane, so she pretty much got whatever she wanted (even if it was the black gunk located between the plastic barrier and the window).
Side note -- to the woman seated in 4C, it's not nice to stare, so turn around and mind your business. This lady literally stared at us most of the flight. If I wasn't so busy keeping Annie from eating the black gunk or quelling my severe loathing of Ann Curry on the Today Show when Karen was keeping Annie under control, she would have been sorry (Ann Curry is a whole other subject...).The last time we were in Chicago was last fall and this is what Annie and Lillie looked like:

Fast forward about 6 months, and you've got Lillie walking and running all over and Annie crawling her way around! The girls seemed to remember eachother, and it didn't take long for them to warm right up to eachother.
Conor and Carey also have this great camera that always gets the best shots, here's one of our favorites of AB.

Part II coming soon...