Uh... yeah, I do. If your name is Annie Ferguson chances are pretty good you're sleeping in-between mom and dad with both arms outstretched getting all handsy with your little fingers grabbing and gripping at anything in their reach.
It seems everytime we think Annie takes a step forward in the sleeping-through-the-night department we hit a roadblock sending us a few steps back. Let me explain. For most of December Annie slept really well, going to bed around 7:30pm, and then waking up between 6:30 and 7am. That was awesome. Then on New Year's Eve the wheels came off, and since then she's been waking up more and more frequently. Sometimes she goes back to sleep, other times she ends up in bed with us. Lately, since she's hitting her first wake-up call at 5am-ish, she just joins us. Then she fusses for a while, then we give in and give her a bottle, then around 6-6:30-ish she'll fall back asleep. Just in time for the alarm to go off. Lather, rinse, repeat. This routine has been going on for about a week... Growth spurts, teething? No clue, but it seems every bout of not sleeping through the night gets blamed on one of those two explanations. Her size is normal for her age, and no teeth! By this rate you'd think we'd have a wooly mammoth on our hands.

*And yes, I know a wooly mammoth had long tusks- not teeth, but I think you get the gist. And I already used my walrus reference.