Monday, December 21, 2009
Can you tell how to get to...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thanksgiving part - III
The waitstaff was super accomodating, and it helped that Annie made friends with all of them!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thanksgiving part - II
Thursday, December 3, 2009
A Drummy Thanksgiving - part I
Grandma and Grandpa Drummy came into town the day before Thanksgiving. That evening we went to our new favorite restaurant, the Highland Kitchen in Somerville.
I love the atmosphere there. When you walk in, the bar is always crowded with people, the lights are low and intimate, and the music is slightly loud causing everyone to speak louder than normal. This place just has great energy, and awesome specials. The first time we went there, the special was venison stroganoff. It was awesome. And, on Monday nights they serve homemade fried chicken, with mashed potatoes, greens and a biscuit. Are you kidding? Luckily I have class Monday nights so we've only been once, but if I didn't I'm sure we'd be there almost every single Monday... and weigh alot.
We all had great dinners... Joan had quail, awesome. Larry had a steak, awesome. I had chicken, awesome. And I just forgot what Karen had, but I'm sure it too was awesome. Annie is another story... She's getting to that age where she's becoming less and less fun to take out. There, I said it! Now we love taking her out, and we'll continue to do so, but she's quite the little character. She also loves attention. I mentioned how a couple of weeks ago at breakfast she kept throwing things at this guy in the next table, well this night she kept shouting until these people at the next table would pay attention to her. Then she would laugh and smile, and throw stuff. Then they would try and get back to their dinner, and she would get their attention again. And then laugh and smile... Man, she is trouble...
After dinner we headed back to the apt and put Bananas to bed. The rest of us headed to bed shortly thereafter so we could rest up for the big day ahead...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Of diapers and wipes...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Karen and Annie take D.C.
Karen and Annie got there Friday night. Annie had somewhat of a meltdown in the terminal waiting for the flight, causing Karen to quickly pick her up off the floor and find the most remote part of the airport... Then after a banana Annie was all better and they had a nice flight to DC. Saturday they went out to breakfast, the first place they went was packed so they ended up at this French-organic place. Where everyone was super-snobby (and probably wearing berets, but I wasn't there). Then the three of them headed out to see the sights! Annie had a great walk along the reflecting pool. I've heard that Annie walked the whole way, but I don't know if I believe that. It is 2,029 feet long... Then they saw the Lincoln Memorial, and lots of other memorials.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween photos

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Quick weekend recap
We had a great weekend, and Annie had lots of fun on Halloween! We
were originally supposed to go to BF for Halloween, but our plans
changed, so instead we went to Hingham. Our friends Scott and Jen
live there and it was a lot of fun to see them and help hand out
candy. Especially since we don't get any trick or treaters at our
house. Surprisingly enough we also forgot our camera, but Scott took
some good shots I'll post when I get them.
This video should help tide you over in the mean time... And Annie
isn't wearing a shirt because right now it's very warm in our apt
because Karen is in the process of cooking a turkey with all the
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Annie likes hanging out on the floor... and the 'spite poop'
Now, you're probably wondering, what's the spite poop? The spite poop is a phrase that Karen and I have coined to describe what Annie frequently does when we put her down for a nap. We get everything ready, change her diaper, give her her pacifier, Elmo, the works - then put her down. Then about 10 - 15 minutes later we'll hear her either: a) playing in her crib, laughing and running around, or b) crying. And sure enough, 9 times out of 10, she has pooped. And when her diaper's dirty, she can't sleep, natch. So we call it the spite poop, because she has a real habit of doing this in the morning and afternoon before her naps. And this is regardless of whether she has already had a BM recently, I swear she can poop on demand. This morning she did the trifecta. She threw her pacifier and Elmo out of the crib, and she had a spite poop.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
This is Annie's new trick. She can now pull herself up on the coffee table, and then stands! Karen sent me these pics while I was in class. That Annie, she sure is always into something! And she is also very fast at getting herself on top of the table... we're going to have to make sure everything is tied down now that we've got a climber on our hands! D'oh!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Annie's first photo shoot

This past weekend was Annie's fist photo shoot! I didn't want to look like I was trying to cannibalize on the photographer's action, so I only took one photo with my phone. Although, after I saw the pricing sheet I wished I would have taken many more... Anyways, Annie was great throughout the whole thing. She was very playful and didn't cry the entire time. Although most of the time she didn't smile either, but it's the small victories you have to take comfort in! The photographer was great with her, and I think out of all the photos she took we're going to have some really good ones. Annie had her picture taken on Sunday, and it was pouring the whole time, and we got snow! Unbelievable.
Saturday was beautiful. Karen was at a friend's baby shower, so Annie and I took our show on the road. We went downtown to meet our cousin for lunch, and had a great time! Annie was a champ the whole time. She got a little squirrely before we sat down, and right before we left, but other than that no major issues. And it was great to catch up with Holly!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Annie goes to the park and then terrorizes Whole Foods
At the grocery store (whenever that was...), Annie took her spiked hair on the road and terrorized the place! It's amazing the things you know, but forget to apply under new circumstances. For instance, I know Annie loves to grab things off from tables, and pull anything down that she can get her hands on. But when we're at the store and she's in the cart, I completely forget about the fact that if she is too close to the aisles... Those little hands just start compulsively grabbing whatever is closest! So that always makes things very interesting...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Magga and Poppa visit (weeks ago... and Jordan)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
From today's Boston Globe:
Lawmakers’ nod could sweeten the day for Fluffernutter fans

“Well, it’s very flattering,’’ said Don Durkee, co-owner of the company in Lynn that makes Marshmallow Fluff. “I can’t think of any other sandwich that has the equivalent association with Massachusetts.’’
The sandwich is one of three foods that a legislative committee will consider for official state status tomorrow. The others are Necco Wafers, for official state candy, and Charleston Chew, for candy bar.
“A lot of these bills are filed by school groups,’’ said Lainey Titus, chief of staff for Representative Steven M. Walsh of Lynn, cochairman of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight, which is holding the hearing. “In general, a couple of these sometimes go through every year.’’
The committee will also hear requests to designate the elephant as the official state mammal, “Fever Pitch’’ as the official state movie, and 6 as the official state number.
Representative William Brownsberger of Cambridge, who sponsored the “Fever Pitch’’ bill at the request of some Cambridge eighth-graders, said most such efforts do not pass.
Each bill needs to pass in the House and Senate to become official. “Moby-Dick’’ almost became the state’s official novel last session, but the measure died in the Senate.
“The Legislature is sometimes respectful, but it doesn’t want to get too distracted,’’ said Brownsberger, who has not seen the Red Sox-themed movie he is backing.
Massachusetts already has five official state foods, among the most in the country: the baked navy bean, corn muffin, chocolate chip cookie, Boston cream pie, and Boston cream doughnut.
Children pushing the legislation often appear to testify, lawmakers said.
“Lots of students came and testified over the years,’’ said Representative Antonio Cabral of New Bedford, a former cochairman of the oversight committee. “It can be a great educational tool.’’
Representative Mark Falzone of Saugus, who sponsored the Charleston Chew bill, said a group of Wakefield Girl Scouts appeared at a mock hearing in April to support the nougat treat.
“They testified not only on the tastiness of the candy bar, but they also danced the Charleston,’’ he said.
One student will speak at tomorrow’s hearing in support of the elephant. The origin of the choice was unclear yesterday, and the species is not known to flourish in the wilds of the Commonwealth.
The students “felt there should be a state mammal, I guess,’’ said Representative James Miceli of Wilmington, who sponsored the bill. “I know very little. We signed on, and it’s their bill.’’
Another student sent a personal letter to state Senator Stephen Brewer of Barre, advocating for the number 6.
“The number six is involved in much of our state’s history, and is part of many interesting state facts,’’ wrote Tyler Gibbs, 14, of Rutland, whose love of history, not the allure of school credit, drove him to write. “After I started my research, I learned that we have a state polka song, so why not a state number?’’
Massachusetts was the sixth state in the union and is the sixth-smallest state in the region, Gibbs wrote.
The three foods up for official status have Bay State ties.
Marshmallow Fluff was invented in Somerville and has been produced in Lynn for 80 years. Necco Wafers were formerly made in Cambridge and now are created in Revere. And Nat Sloane, the man who made Charleston Chews famous, was born in Belmont. The candy bars were also produced in Everett.
In 2006, a state senator, Jarrett Barrios, attracted national attention when he sought to limit the serving of Fluffernutters in school lunch programs statewide.
This year, Representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein of Revere filed legislation to honor the Fluffernutter, the second attempt by a lawmaker.
“I associate the Fluffernutter with a really good childhood sandwich,’’ she said.
If the peanut-butter-and-fluff concoction gets a positive reaction from the committee today, it may mark one of the sandwich’s best weeks ever. The fourth annual Fluff Festival is scheduled for Saturday in Somerville.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Vacation part II
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day trip - Rockport, MA
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Annie loves the park!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Summer's over, d'uh! Vacation round-up, part 1
After a very nice and relaxing August... it seems like I should get back to work! July and August were a bit of a blur. From the last week in June until the first week of August I was in class two nights a week, and all day during the last week of July. The good news is that this is over, and starting tonight, I only have two classes left until I complete my MBA! Boo-yah!
Our summer was pretty busy with friends visiting and travelling to weddings. Most of which I've already covered. The week before Labor Day we headed to Michigan for a week of some much needed r&r, and backup! We spent the first half of the week in GP, taking Annie to the park, and on long walks. The top picture is from the boat, Annie in her very own life preserver! Which went over so-so. To be fair, it was the most easy thing to maneuver in, and whenever she fell, it was sort of curved-outwards in the front so if she landed on her belly her face would roll forward and meet the ground. After a few falls she got much better navigating around in her PFD and was much happier.
The other photos above are taken from Karen's primary school, and Annie is running down the "Nun's Walk." Annie has become a really good walker, and loves to run. She also has the funniest laugh, it goes from a 4 to a 10 in one second. So funny.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Annie and Bea playing
In this photo the girls are just getting warmed up for their photo shoot by Uncle Larry. Here they are both in good spirits and having a great time!
Annie is starting to get a little bored, and she's becoming a little dramatic. Side note, Annie's new favorite way to show her displeasure with mom and dad is to plop down on the floor, begin to wail, and then throw her face and hands to the floor. It's so dramatic and hilarious. I can't believe little tantrums are already showing up.
Ladies who lunch. Annie took Bea out to lunch at the Warren Tavern. They both loved sitting next to eachother, although they got a little sick of the paparazzi action so Bea told Annie to get that camera so they could eat in peace.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Larry, Alex & Bea visit Smackdown!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Wedding weekend
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Man oh man has it been a while since I've posted. Sorry about that. July has been very hectic, I was taking two summer classes, a few trips here and there, and have been pretty busy at work. My classes are finally over and I can relax! Boo-yah! Also, for those of you keeping track of my progress, I have two classes left to take in the fall, and then in December, I'm done with my MBA! Cannot wait...
I don't even know if I've posted that AB is full-on walking! Ever since her birthday she has been steadily getting better and better and now she's a crazy lady! Most of the time her walk is more of a run with her arms outstretched leaning forward. I finally got some good video last night, good thing because no sooner had I stopped recording then Annie took a digger on landed face first on some not too soft tile. But after a little TLC from mommy and an ice pop, she felt much better.
Tomorrow Annie and I are headed to Syracuse for my cousin Chad's wedding. Can't wait to have my first road trip with Bananas! The centerpiece of my plan is not to consume any liquids after 9pm tonight, so I can avoid the awkward bathroom with a toddler scenario... We'll meet up with my sister in Broadalbin, so after we make it there I'll have some backup, of course, we'll also be outnumbered between two adults and four kids! Let the good times roll -
Friday, July 24, 2009
Annie loves Mac n Cheese
We have been trying to make much more of an effort to let Annie feed herself lately. Which is not very easy, considering: a) she's very messy, b) she frequently spits out her food, c) she frequently throws her food, and d) I'm a bit anal retentive, so having food thrown all over kind of makes my skin crawl. But we're working on that.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Playdate in GP
I've been patiently waiting for my co-blogger to update some of these posts... but it's been a week! So I'm going to make up what happened.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Annie + water = loads of fun!

We were in Detroit last weekend for the wedding of our good friends Carmie and Steve. The wedding was great, and the reception was at the Detroit Athletic Club, where you probably remember is where Karen and I had our reception. I have some video to post later, so I'll cover that in another post.